Parents/Guardians: ALL PARENTS
● Respect for All: I will treat all players, coaches, referees, and parents with respect, courtesy,
and kindness.
● Positive Support: I will provide positive encouragement to my child and their teammates,
emphasizing effort, improvement, and enjoyment of the game over winning at all costs.
● Coach and Referee Respect: I will respect the authority and decisions of the coaches and
referees, understanding that they are committed to the safety and development of the players.
● Conflict Resolution: If I have concerns or disagreements, I will address them through
appropriate channels, such as discussing them with the coach privately or contacting the age
group coordinator or region commissioner.
● Sideline Behavior:
○ I will maintain a positive and sportsmanlike demeanor while watching games, refraining
from negative comments, gestures, or behavior that can undermine the players'
○ I will stand clear of the sideline so I will not endanger the safety of the players or the
sideline referee.
○ I will stay on my team's side of the field at all times before, during and after the games.
Only coaches, players and referees are allowed on the field.
● Fair Play and Sportsmanship: I will encourage my child to play with integrity, adhering to the
rules of the game, and displaying good sportsmanship at all times.
● Communication: I will maintain open and constructive communication with my child about
their soccer experience, emphasizing enjoyment, self-improvement, and teamwork. I will not
use profanity at any time.
● Kids Zone Parents Pledge: I will abide by the Kids Zone Parents Pledge set out below.